Tuesday, December 05, 2006


It has been a day of three parts, three roles, three 'me's. First thing in the morning until about 6pm, I was 'working Rachel' - corporate in a casual way, efficient, busy, healthy and hard working. Slightly stand-offish perhaps, but then at the moment in the office, one has to be or risk achieving nothing. Rushing from meeting to a desk lunch to frantically ensuring letters would make the last post.

Then, at about half past 6, I re-touched my make up and put on some perfume and headed to Sketch, to a MarmaMeeting. We met in the Parlour, a room which is the embodiment of a MarmaLady - elegant, contemporary, fashionable, stylish and comfortable. And then I was 'MarmaRachel' and drinking mojitos and discussing my new role.

Finally, it was 'LibertyRachel' and I was choosing Christmas presents at the Liberty Cardholders Christmas evening, pretending that money was no object and I was simply being discerning. I saw many beautiful things, including a washing-up brush which I bought for our kitchen and a gorgeous diary, which I did not buy, because it was £50. I think I will have to wait for the sale. And I finally managed to buy M the jeans which I have been promising him for several years. So he is pleased, am so am I, as the cardholder discount made them just about affordable.

And then, just to round off the day perfectly, M and I went back to Sketch for a drink on the way home. A totally different experience, even though it was the same bar, the same waitress and even another mojito. And possibly, a slightly incredulous Rachel after a visit to the loo. There is an upper level which is all white with two sets of stairs, one lit in pink, the other blue. And at the top, the best kind of festival loos possible - egg shaped individual pods, each one containing it's own loo. The basins are sort of drifting against the back wall and the mirrors are distorted, in one I appeared large and round with froggy eyes, the next, elongated and far away. Not the kind of place to get high in; I think it would be extremely disconcerting.

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