Thursday, June 14, 2007

Nearly there

Sorry that it's been a while; things are taking longer than I thought in the new house. Long hours and short opening hours of services has resulted in a back log of things to sort out. Convincing the gas, electricity and water services not to cut us off has had to take priority over the telephone and broadband, but we are slowly moving towards an efficient household.

Unpacking is taking it's time as well. Each day I try to follow my flylady tip (although that in itself hasn't been the easiest task without easy e mail access) and I have been unpacking one box or doing a 27 fling boogie, or whatever she calls it, when asked. Setting myself the task of just spending 15 minutes doing something I have been putting off has really helped me.

Just time for a quick round up of stuff that's happened other than the all demanding move.

Rachel 's stalker has been arrested and is currently in prison awaiting sentencing. This is obviously a huge relief to Rachel and the other various victims. I am pleased that bloggers managed to help catch her and prove that there is a huge supportive blogging community in London. Button has now been taken down.

I spent the weekend sailing to the Isle of Wight, no, not for the festival, although that would have been nice, but practising for our impending sailing holiday in France. It was so warm that once we were anchored off Osborne Bay (just to the east of Cowes) we swam in the sea off the boat and it was much warmer than I expected. Once I have co-ordinated photos and computers, I may try and post some.

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