Tuesday, February 03, 2009

London in the snow

Lincoln's Inn Postbox, originally uploaded by rachel-catherine.

Yes, just like every other Londoner (do I count as a Londoner - I've lived here since 2004, but perhaps that is for another post) I couldn't help but take photos yesterday during the snow.

You may have gathered that I work near Lincoln's Inn, for whatever the weather I seem to have taken a photo there. Something about the red of the postbox against the snow and the distant red of the bricks of the buildings seemed very Victorian. The photo isn't quite as I would have liked though - the cars for instance, but it was taken very quickly with my blackberry as I walked along.

This morning, by contrast, we still have some snow but also bright sunshine.


Anonymous said...

Not bad for a quick Blackberry snap! I've been loving pics of London all snowed in... Gorgeous.

Missy,Mrs and Mum said...

Just beautiful, we didn't get much snow here only a flurry. Hope you are well and didn't get snowed in!