Sunday, March 16, 2008


It is what seems like another day in an endless stream of grey and rainy days; cold, damp and miserable. Walking home last night it could have been November were it not for the sudden strong scent of wet blossom glistening in the orange light of the street lamps. This small reminder that spring is on her way provided a small amount of compensation for my wet muddy feet which left little sock prints all down the hall when I finally returned home.

Yet Saturday will not be remembered solely for the rain or the fact that I went all the way to the Tate to sit in the members cafe and count the cranes on the sky-line. No, Saturday for me will be remembered as the day I ate a ladybird and realised just why they are so brightly coloured.


Anonymous said...

There's a song called Ladybird by XTC, on the Mummer album (1986). You should listen to it some time. It has a lovely jazzy feel.

Anonymous said...

How on earth did you manage to eat a Ladybird??

Rachel said...

It came in some spinach from Waitrose and it managed to be washed and then cooked in some pasta whereon I bit into it and discovered how disgusting they taste...

Rachel said...

Oh dear.
